To display greatest number from given array element

;To display greatest number from given array element

section .data
msg db "Enter 5 numbers to find maximum:" ,0xA
len1 equ $-msg

msg1 db "Maximum number in the array is:" ,0xA
len2 equ $-msg1

; Counter for looping
cnt db 05h

; Initialize 'al' and 'r8' registers to 0
mov al,00h
mov r8,00h

; Array containing 5 numbers
num dq 10h,02h,03h,04h,05h

%macro print 2
; Display message
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2

section .bss
; Buffer to store the maximum number in the array
larg resb 16

section .text
global _start

; Loop through the array to find the maximum number
mov byte[cnt],05h
mov r8,num
mov al,00h
cmp al,byte[r8]
ja loop_end
mov al,byte[r8]
inc r8
dec byte[cnt]
jnz loop_start

; Convert the maximum number to ASCII and store it in 'larg' buffer
mov rbp,larg
mov byte[cnt],02h
rol al,04
mov dl,al
and dl,0Fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe down
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov byte[rbp],dl
inc rbp
dec byte[cnt]
jnz up

; Display the maximum number in the array
print msg1,len2
print larg,2

; Exit program
mov rax,60
mov rdi,00


Let's go through the code in detail:

section .data
msg db "Enter 5 numbers to find maximum:" ,0xA
len1 equ $-msg

msg1 db "Maximum number in the array is:" ,0xA
len2 equ $-msg1

cnt db 05h
mov al,00h
mov r8,00h
num dq 10h,02h,03h,04h,05h

This section contains the program's data declarations. The first two lines define messages that will be printed to the console, the third line defines a counter that will be used to loop through the array of numbers, and the next two lines initialize the AL and R8 registers to zero. Finally, the last line defines an array of 5 numbers.

%macro print 2
mov rax,01
mov rdi,01
mov rsi,%1
mov rdx,%2

This is a macro that simplifies printing messages to the console. It takes two arguments - the message to be printed and its length - and uses system calls to print the message to the console.

section .bss
larg resb 16

This section reserves space in memory for the largest number found in the array. This space is set to 16 bytes.

section .text
global _start

This section contains the program's code. The first two lines define the program's entry point.

mov byte[cnt],05h
mov r8,num
mov al,00h
cmp al,byte[r8]
ja l4
mov al,byte[r8]
inc r8
dec byte[cnt]
jnz l3

This code finds the largest number in the array. The find_max label is used to mark the beginning of this section. The first line initializes the counter to 5, the second line loads the address of the array into the R8 register, and the third line initializes the AL register to 0. The l3 label is used to mark the beginning of the loop that compares the values in the array and finds the largest one. The cmp instruction compares the value in the AL register to the value at the memory address pointed to by the R8 register. If the value in the AL register is greater than the value at the memory address, the program jumps to the l4 label. Otherwise, it moves the value at the memory address into the AL register. The l4 label is used to mark the end of the comparison block. The inc instruction increments the R8 register to point to the next value in the array, and the dec instruction decrements the counter. The jnz instruction jumps back to the l3 label if the counter is not zero.

mov rbp,larg
mov byte[cnt],02h
rol al,04
mov dl,al
and dl,0Fh
cmp dl,09h
jbe down
add dl,07h
add dl,30h
mov byte[rbp],dl
inc rbp
dec byte[cnt]
jnz up

This code converts the largest number found in the array into its corresponding ASCII value. The hexAscii label is used to mark the beginning of this section. The mov instruction moves the address